Friday, February 26, 2010

Let me lead you down the path...

I think your brain goes into overdrive when you have kids. Things that might strike you as unusual set off bells much more quickly. This morning I had the following string of thoughts (over the course of about a minute) while nursing my son.

1. What is my daughter getting into?
2. Oh there she is, playing with the dogs toys. "That's a frisbee, that's a dog towel, and that's something to throw a tennis ball really far" (a hard plastic stick about 2.5ft long with a cup at the end for a ball)
3. I'm surprised my husband would have left that out - I think she could turn that into a weapon.
4. Sh*t, my husband didn't leave that out - where did she get it?
5. Ok, the dog cupboard - that explains the noises before.
6. Sh*t, what else is in there? I now run through a complete itinerary of the dog cupboard. Combs, towels, shampoo, medicine?
7. Ok, what to do? Try to coax my daughter into view and calculate exactly how much time my husband will be outside with the dog while trying to determine the look on his face when he sees 7 dog towels, toys, combs etc strewn over the kitchen floor.
8. How long will this take for me to clean up?

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