Monday, July 21, 2008

Speak easy

A friend of mine told me that it's easier for babies to say d's, p's, and b' it's pretty likely that Dada will be her first word. After the initial disappointment, I realized that it will be "Dada" who our baby screams for in the middle of the night.

July Milestones

July 20th - Baby's first concert - The Charlie Daniels Band
July 21st - She rolled over front to back :)
July 26th - First trip to Smith Mountain lake....tried swimming and went on a speed boat!!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

The funniest thing that happened today

My husband said "Oh my God, she almost grabbed my nipple hair"

Don't try this without supervision

Kneel next to your coffee table
Bend over so your head is about 6 inches above the surface
Take a clump of hair and attach a vice grip or other clamp about 1 inch away from your scalp
Attach a 15 pound weight to the other side of the vice grip
Now try to remove the weight by calmly asking the vice grip to let go

This is the best way to describe what happens when you gently lean down to give your baby a kiss and she's feeling playful. After about the third time, you start looking up hairnets on amazon.

Sweet slumber

I've heard other mothers say that the first time their baby slept through the night, they woke up anyway to check that the baby was still breathing. I, however, slept blissfully through the night.

Little people

At 3 months your baby starts looking more and more like a little person. Then they stick their whole hand in their mouth which I'm pretty sure I can't do....and feel pretty silly even trying.