Saturday, November 22, 2008

First name basis?

People tell you that your kid will be sick all the time and say that if it doesn't happen at daycare, it will happen when they head to school. Fair enough - I felt prepared.

Our kid's been at daycare for about 14 weeks - 6 unscheduled visits to the doctor - smatter in 3 scheduled visits and that's about 1 visit / 1.5 weeks. I was not prepared to be on a first name basis with the entire pediatrician's office.

The mummy purse

I've heard about it....the mum purse.

This week it happened to me, my trendy cloth reversible bag from Amsterdam became a mum purse. While rummaging for keys, I found a half eaten cookie from Pot Belly, a business card from the pediatrician, 5 coupons to Babies R Us, about 8 receipts ranging from dry cleaning, to prescriptions, to emergency trips to the grocery store for wipes and 3 different lists of things to do.

The strap broke from the strain.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Catch up

It's been WAY too long since updating the blog. In short, my baby is now 7 and a half months old with 2 teeth, an agile crawl, she knows her name, and is pulling up on everything.
This could well be exactly why it's been so long since updating.

Working mum tip #1

Buy all your kids clothes from the same manufacturer....that way when you're dressing your child at 5:30am after 6 hours of sleep, at least you know they'll match.