Friday, January 15, 2010

How we all really feel about cleaning

I had no idea an 18 month old could clean up after themselves. Our daughter went to daycare and they had a catchy jingle for the toddlers "Clean-up, clean-up, everybody clean-up; Clean-up, clean-up, clean-up everyone." Remember this is for toddlers...and I actually witnessed toddlers cleaning up while it was being sung. So my husband and I attempt to use this at home.

Today while my husband was cleaning up toys in the living room, we upped the ante. "Please help clean-up before we watch a Dora the Explorer episode," AND he was singing. Although sitting helplessly on the couch while nursing, I suggested that my daughter put her puzzles in the box. That was completely ignored, so I suggested that my husband put a couple puzzles in the box to show her what to do.

She went over to the puzzles, calmly bent over at the waist, and pulled her pants down.

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