Monday, September 26, 2011

We've gotta stick together....(post courtesy of a friend!)

1) Whoever said “sleep when the baby sleeps” is full of cr*p and clearly has never been a mom… everyone knows that naptime is the time to pick up the toys, vacuum the filthy floors, wash the bottles, do the laundry, restock the baby supplies and IF you are lucky, eat something and take a shower to get that nasty baby spit up out of your hair… 2) Not sure about girls, but if you have a boy, diaper changes are like a NASCAR pitstop… after 2 weeks of pissed on changing tables, walls, clothes and almost anything within a 3 ft radius, I could change that kid in 5.6 seconds flat… 3) Speaking of diapers, diaper sausages are NASTY… they are nasty no matter what you do… you can change them everyday, Lysol them, wrap the diapers into tiny little diaper Wontons and they will STILL be NASTY… just accept it… 4) If you have dogs and at first they are not wild about the new edition to the family… no worries… come solid food time they will be best friends. 5) They will do things in their own time… not when you want them to or when any book says…. But last time I checked, there weren’t any kids in kindergarten eating baby food, pooping their diapers or crawling on all fours… so it will probably work out. 6) It is TOTALLY worth having Goldfish crumbs all over the back of your new car if it gets your child to stop screaming bloody murder on a 10 min car ride… enough said. 7) On my first day back at work, I got upset about all the “firsts” that I would miss by not being there… my wise husband looked at me and simply said, “Don’t worry… he’ll do it again.” 8) No matter how bad your day was, a gummy baby smile will always make everything all better. 9) It is really hard to be a working mom… you can find a balance that gets you through, but you need to be prepared to disappoint yourself from time to time. 10) Despite #9, when he falls down and hurts himself, the first person that he calls for is “Maaaa Maaaaa!”…. so you must be doing something right!

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