Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Road trip #2

Longer trip this time, June 6th - June 23rd, and I'm expecting many more lessons to be learned.

Lesson #1. Another weight loss technique. Eating crap while nursing is bad for both you and your baby. You will not lose that last 10 pounds of pregnancy weight and your baby gets gas which, as previously mentioned, makes them extremely mad. No more NC BBQ.

Lesson #2. When asking for advice on raising little girls, a friend said always wipe front to back. My husband replied "How can that possibly matter when poo is equally distributed in the entire diaper?"

Lesson #3. Your birthday no longer has anything to do with you.

Lesson #4. Your baby will find K&W cafeteria fascinating.

Lesson #5. More advice from a friend. "Traveling with a newborn is easy - get out while you can. It won't get harder until they hit 12 weeks or so." What can that possibly mean???

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